Whether you already have a Kajabi website, or you’re thinking about creating one, I can tell that you’re one smart cookie. Kajabi is a relative newcomer in the course-creation universe, and it’s taking the all-in-one platform world by storm. With one subscription, you can host your website, create and sell courses, send emails, set up automations, create sales funnels, and much more! Kajabi is my favorite platform for course creators, and a super-easy way to create a beautiful website to boot.
I’m sure you’ve seen ads and pins galore selling pre-made Kajabi templates that you can use for your Kajabi website and sales pages. Man, those are tempting! But I’m going to give you 3 reasons why you shouldn’t use a Kajabi template for your website.
1. Customization Takes Time and Skill
Sure, the Kajabi templates you’ve had your eye on look mighty nice. They’re pretty and flow well and you can just imagine them with your logo at the top.
But your copy isn’t going to just magically place itself in the blocks. Your template will need a lot of modifying and tweaking to get it to fit your needs and specifications. You may need additional sections or blocks, or to move things to different areas.
Even with a beautiful template, you’re going to spend a good chunk of time making it look good. You’ll need to be able to personalize the elements using Canva or Photoshop.
2. Templates Aren’t Unique
Can the designer you’re working with guarantee your Kajabi template is only being sold to a small number of people? If not, you’ll never know just how many websites are using the same layout as you. As a small business owner, you want your site to reflect your personality and creativity. A purchased template doesn’t do that.

3. Your Money is Better Spent Elsewhere
A template for a single Kajabi website landing page can cost anywhere from $75-$200. You purchase the template, put in a ton of hours customizing it (and let’s be honest… getting super frustrated along the way), and it’s done. If you ever want to add to it or make major changes (or perhaps match the rest of your Kajabi website to the style of that one page), you’re on your own!
Instead, you could hire a Kajabi specialist like myself. When you take that route, you’ll end up with a unique and perfectly customized website and someone to help you set up all that other fun tech stuff. I can even make sure your Kajabi website has some killer SEO!
In short, no, I don’t hate templates. There are some really cool-looking ones out there! But a lot of times, my clients will buy a template, and I still end up spending 5+ hours making it work on their site and with their copy and branding. I suggest you consider skipping that route altogether and just hiring someone to create something unique for you from the start. Send me a message if this is something you’d like to discuss!